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Exceptional Quality with Extraordinary Services

A base of over 50000 Happy Students, working in Government/ Private - Corporates/ Universities/ Schools/ Colleges

All the Programs are Offered through UGC/ DEC/ AICTE/ NCTE approved Universities

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Our Services

  1. Individual Career Counselling and Guidance.

  2. Pre-evaluation and post admission support.

  3. B.Ed Classes on Saturdays-Sundays.

  4. Guidance in Practical File Making (B.Ed).

  5. Pre-exam; problem solving sessions with notes.

  6. School Integrated; Hands on Experience

  7. Online updates/ Support over the calls

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Why only EROS?

  1. Stipend while you learn.

  2. Practical training through School.

  3. A fiduciary of over 50000 Happy Students.

  4. A Reputed Recognition in Market.

  5. Experiential Learning (Practical Knowledge)

  6. Reoccurring Student Success Stories.

  7. Quality, Openness and Flexibility.

  8. Trans-formative Education at a Reasonable Fee

Our Fiduciary Tour »

Learning Beyond the Curriculum!

Post enrollment in B.Ed course, join EROS school as a trainee under an expert teacher, to observe a live teaching experience. Earn stipend while you volunteer in the school activities with the talented pool of teachers’(respective) forte at school.

Ever since the establishment in 1998, EROS has an outstanding record of producing teachers displaying competency to meet the requirements of the ever-growing educational institutions.

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Our Practice

EROS offers experiential learning opportunities, including extramural activities. We concentrate on the all-round 'Holistic Development', uphold the ethos and values of education system interacted with the science, knowledge and technology of international standards through excellent infrastructure which includes Air-conditioned classroom, LCD projectors and make learning enjoyable and easy to absorb; leading to creation of global Indian managers who could perform at any circumstances.

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

— John F. Kennedy